Blog & Insights

Articles and videos on modernising web applications using AI and Cloud Native infrastructure.

Our content is designed to help you navigate the complexities of integrating cutting-edge technologies into your web services, ensuring scalability, reliability, and efficiency.

Cloud & AI News

  • Application Modernisation

    12 steps to better application modernisation

    If you haven’t yet integrated the principles of the “12-factor app” into your application, it probably costs your business time, money or efficiency.

  • Google Cloud Partner

    Firney is now a Google Cloud Partner

    In October 2022, Firney became an official Google Cloud Partner

  • Why use a Cloud Managed Services Provider

    Why use a Managed Cloud Services Provider (Video)

    Want to make the most of your user experience and ensure that you stop downtime in its tracks? See how using Managed Cloud Service Provider can help your business in our latest video.

  • Why SRE is important

    Why SRE is important (Video)

    Site Reliability can have a massive impact on your revenue. We’re diving into the reasons why.

  • Optimise JS Page Speed – Top Tips (Video)

    When defining Service Level Objectives one of the key items to think about is the speed of response. Her are our top tips on how to reduce the size of JavaScript in order to improve your Page Speed.

  • the power of the five whys

    The Power of the Five Whys

    The “Power of the Five Whys” is a simple yet effective mechanism that can uncover a problem’s root cause by asking why five times. This process allows our team to drill down to the heart of the matter and…

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